Applied Behaviour Analysis – Verbal Behaviour (ABA-VB)

ABA-VB is a science of learning and behaviour involving the application of principles of learning to enable the child to function as independently and successfully as possible in various environments. The advanced form of ABA-VB programme at the centre targets specific developmental areas such as socially significant behaviour, including reading, academics, social skills, communication and adaptive living skills. Adaptive living skills include gross and fine motor skills, eating and food preparation, toilet use, dressing, personal self-care, domestic skills, time and punctuality, money and value, home and community orientation, and work skills. Each child’s programme is individualised and conducted by trained behavioural technicians from Autism Recovery Network (ARN) Singapore, a leading ABA-VB provider in Asia.

Speech & Language Therapy

Inner Circle's Speech and Language programme is designed specifically for children with speech and communication disorders which can include physical exercise to strengthen the muscles for speech or speech drills which help improve sound production (clarity).

Occupational Therapy (OT)

The Occupational Therapy programme is designed to help children be independent, including sensory-processing deficits, cognitive skills, fine motor skills, and visual perceptual skills. It helps develop play skills and engagements with appropriate age-related activities, thus enhancing their sense of accomplishment and self-esteem.

Social Skills Programme

The Social Skills Programme is developed to intervene in social learning, and social interaction challenges that some special needs children face. The Social Skills Programme will help children effectively interact with others, helping them figure out the best way to think when in social situations.

This includes teaching students to recognise verbal and nonverbal communication cues (e.g., eye movements, tone, and gestures) and grasp the non-literal meaning of a statement.

School Readiness Programme

The objective of the school readiness programme is to integrate children with additional needs into mainstream schools by orientating them to classroom routines and facilities.

School Programme

Inner Circle is now stepping out of boundaries and reaching out to all schools to provide a support programme. It is designed to create a foundation for schools that want to be a holistic support system. Through the schools, Inner Circle aims to support parents, teachers, students, and caregivers.

The programme is designed to provide training, workshops, and services at the premises of the school. 

Shadow Teaching

The program provides additional support to help fill in the gap by building self-confidence to promote positive interaction in the classroom by helping the student focus on the critical concept and develop academic and social skills.

Psychometric & Educational Tests

ICPL is now providing Psychometric & Educational Test which is available at our centre. 

The following tests are available: 

Name of Test 

Test for 

CONNERS 3rd Edition 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)



Wisc IV 

Intelligence Quotient 


Learning Disability, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia 

Psychiatric Assessment 

For all sorts of mental health concerns 

Mental Health Services

Inner Circle Private Limited (ICPL) started Child & Adolescents Mental Health Services (CAMHS) which serves children up to 18 years old.

Our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) offers:

  • Specialised psychiatric and psychological assessment, evidence-based interventions, and behaviour therapy for mental health problems
  • Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
  • Individual/Parent and Child Counselling
  • Mental Health Wellness Programme
  • Raising Mental Health Awareness
  • Training Teachers and School Staff
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